It's time to get going!

This year’s theme is “ON THE BRINK” – whether you’re participating in-person or online, good luck!

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What You'll Do

In 48 hours make a new game to a random theme.

What You'll Learn

If you’ve entered a hackathon before, then you know what’s up. Whether this is your first time working on a game or are a veteran of the industry, game jams are your opportunity to connect with people passionate about making things and for you to try your hand at building a game! During the competition, you’ll be working against the clock to push through each stage of development – from the initial concept to the final marketing. You’ll learn more than you thought was possible and by the end you’ll have made new friends and tried new things.
How it works

You'll go through these 4 steps


Register yourself

Whether or not you have a team, register now at the link above. We’ll either make sure your team has a table or match you up into a new team.


Meet up on the First Night

On Friday the 17th  you’ll get together with your new team and find out what you’re making!


Building a
New Thing

It’s crunch time! Build and develop your game over the next 48 hours. Whether you sleep or not, make sure to plan for delays!


Deliver your Masterpiece

When you’re finished, make sure your game runs or your video works, then submit the project online or in person.

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