Get the low-down on the jam.

FAQ & Schedule


  • 7:00 PM - Arrive for registration, and get seated in the main theatre
  • 7:30 PM - Kiwijam begins with a theme announcement and welcome
  • 7:45 onwards - form teams & start coming up with ideas! The space will remain open till 10:30pm

  • 7:30 AM - Game jam space opens to public
  • 9:30 AM - Quick recap of Friday night and various important things
  • 12:00 PM - Registration deadline. Make sure you have a team and game idea by this point!
  • 12:30 PM - Recommended lunch break - bring money for food in town or a packed lunch!
  • 7:30 PM - Day One recap

  • 7:30 AM - Game jam space opens to public
  • 9:30 AM - Quick recap of Saturday and various important things
  • 12:30 PM - Recommended lunch break - bring money for food in town or a packed lunch!
  • 7:30 PM - Submission deadline!!! Make sure you have your game submitted by this point!
  • 7:30 PM - Voting opens
  • 8:30 PM - Voting closes, awards & event recap!
  • 8:30 PM onwards - wind down and chill out


This year Kiwijam Auckland is taking place at the University of Auckland at the Unleash Space (Building 302) in the City campus. That's 20 Symonds St.



There are also Kiwijam events being organised in other cities. If you need help finding their sites or want to organise one in your city, get in touch.

It's free! As long as you register online before (or on) the day of the game jam, you're good to go.

Things you need to bring:

  • If you're making a digital game, bring a computer
  • If you're making something physical, bring pens & paper
  • Food for the day (or money to buy food in town!)

Helpful but optional things to bring:

  • A multi plug power board
  • Your registration email
  • Art supplies or other equipment your team could use

Please don't bring:

  • Sleep deprivation. Game jams are usually pretty intense, so a good night's sleep is reccomended
  • Alcohol. This as well as a few other things are not allowed on campus. Check out the full rules here
  • Giant Laser Kiwis with human eyes, or really any other sort of dangerous equipment

We'd like to encourage as much experimentation and creativity as possible, so we will not be announcing any awards yet!