A few key things

Game Jam Rules


Watch Who you Copy!

Like most game jams, we expect you to mostly build things on the day. While you can use any resources on hand (including code, art, and music that you have permission to use), reference these in your submission.


Try and submit something!

You can submit any sort of game. This includes Board Games, VR games, Mechanical machinations, or anything you can think of.

At the end of the day, it’s really cool to submit something – even if it doesn’t run as well as you’d hoped! Otherwise, submit a quick video of your idea if you’re making a physical submission or can’t upload a working version.


Keep Things Friendly

This event follows the University of Auckland ZERO TOLERANCE guidelines. Please make sure you are familiar with them here. If you have any concerns about your comfort or safety, get in touch with our team or campus security.

Your game must also follow this policy, and ideally should not have a higher “rating” than M. If you’re not sure, just ask one of our friendly volunteers!

How we rate

At the end of the competition, you will have a chance to get some feedback! We’ll go through each submission and give you a score and some words on what we liked about it.

To score well in the Innovation metric, it's as simple as making something new. If you're incorporating clever or interesting ideas, then you're on the right track.

How well does your submission fit the theme? Does your game fully incorporate the ideas in the theme? If so, then great!

A good video game, board game, or any piece of interactive media should feature appealing graphics or visuals. This is your inner artist's time to shine!

Sometimes neglected, having good sound is also important. This metric includes both sound design as well as any music that plays. For physical media, this metric is excluded from judgement.

Whether it be engagement in the gameplay or engagement in the story (or a combination of both), this metric is marked on how fun the game is. The player will leave after finishing the game, thinking the time spent was worthwhile in some way.